Signs Marriage Is In Trouble

By : TimeToBetter June,2024

In the journey of marriage, a little argument here and there is as common as breakfast toast. After all, disagreements are part and parcel of any relationship. But what happens when those minor squabbles start piling up? Or, on the flip side, when there's no peep out of the marriage battleground? It's a bit like the calm before the storm, and in both scenarios, you might be dealing with signs your marriage is in trouble . Let TimeToBetter be your guiding compass through these challenges. Explore more such invaluable tips and resources about signs marriage is in trouble on our website today!

Setting Sail on a Marriage Journey: Reading the Signposts

In the grand voyage of marriage, those occasional squabbles are like the waves rocking your boat – a normal part of the journey. After all, what's a long journey without a few bumps and sways? But when the skies grow stormier, and the waves seem relentless, or when the sea becomes eerily calm, both sides should refrain from simply brushing aside issues with marriage, in the hope that they'll resolve themselves.

There was a time when you and your partner used to be a dynamic duo, taking on the world together. But lately, you've noticed a growing pile of unspoken frustrations and unaddressed issues, like dust collecting in the corners of your relationship. Little behaviour problems that used to be shrugged off are now bigger. For instance, you can't even remember when you had a proper conversation about something other than chores or work, or the last time you genuinely laughed together. Instead of enjoying shared moments, you often find yourselves preferring solitude. If that's the case, perhaps it's time for you to acknowledge to yourself, ”My marriage is in trouble, what can I do!”

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. Friedrich Nietzsche


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