Home / Our Services/ Hearing Voices Therapy

Sam Agnew

Sam Agnew

Psychotherapist /Life Coach
Given Sessions:over 2500hours
Working with:Individuals,Couples,&Teen
Area:LGBTQIA+,ADHD,PTSD,CPTSD, Anxiety,Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,Dyscalculia

Understanding and Coping with Auditory Hallucinations: Hearing Voices

Have you ever found yourself caught in the perplexing realm of hallucination hearing, where auditory hallucinations seem to echo in the corridors of your mind? This phenomenon, commonly known as hearing voices, can be both bewildering and distressing.

Our approach focuses on understanding the underlying causes and effects of auditory hallucinations, helping clients develop effective coping strategies and reduce distress. Through personalized treatment plans and evidence-based techniques, our therapists work to improve mental well-being, enhance quality of life, and support clients in regaining control over their experiences.

With Hearing Voices Therapy you can :

  • Reduced Distress
  • Reduction of Stigma
  • Enhanced Emotional Regulation
  • Reduction of Symptom Severity
  • Enhanced Understanding
  • Increased Self-Efficacy
  • Increased Self-Esteem
  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Effective Coping Strategies

"Amplifying Hope: Finding Harmony in Your Inner Voices."

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Hearing Voices Counseling

What is hearing voices?

Hearing voices, also known as auditory hallucinations, is a phenomenon where individuals perceive sounds or voices that aren't actually present in the external environment. These hallucinations can vary widely in nature, intensity, and frequency. They may range from hearing faint whispers to experiencing vivid and distinct voices that seem to emanate from within the person's own mind.

Why do people hear voices in their heads?

The reasons why people hear voices in their heads can vary widely and aren't fully understood. Auditory hallucinations, or hearing voices, can occur due to a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Here are some potential explanations:

- Mental Illness
- Brain Chemistry
 -Stress and Trauma
- Substance Abuse
- Spiritual or Cultural Beliefs
- Neurological Conditions
- Normal Variability

Relation between hearing voices and schizophrenia

Hearing voices, also known as auditory hallucinations, is often closely associated with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder characterised by disturbances in thinking, emotions, perceptions, and behaviour.

Auditory hallucinations are one of the hallmark symptoms of schizophrenia, although they can also occur in other mental health conditions and even in individuals without diagnosed mental illness. Here are some key points regarding the relationship between hearing voices and schizophrenia:

Prevalence: Auditory hallucinations are one of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia, with up to 70-80% of individuals diagnosed with the disorder experiencing them at some point during the course of their illness. Type and Content: In schizophrenia, auditory hallucinations often involve hearing voices that seem to come from external sources, commenting on the individual's actions, thoughts, or behaviour.

Diagnostic Criteria: According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the presence of persistent auditory hallucinations is a diagnostic criterion for schizophrenia. However, it's important to note that auditory hallucinations alone are not sufficient for a diagnosis of schizophrenia and must be accompanied by other symptoms, such as delusions, disorganised thinking, or negative symptoms.

Neurobiological Correlates: Research suggests that abnormalities in brain structure and function may contribute to the development of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia.

Treatment: Managing auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia typically involves a combination of antipsychotic medication, psychotherapy, and psychosocial interventions.

What does hearing voices feel like?

Hearing voices, or experiencing auditory hallucinations, can be a distressing and disorienting experience for many individuals. Often described as intrusive and unpredictable, these voices may feel disembodied and detached from any specific source.

The content of the voices can vary widely, ranging from simple sounds to complex conversations or commands, and the emotional impact can be significant, leading to feelings of fear, anxiety, sadness, or anger. Trying to make sense of auditory hallucinations can be confusing and disorienting, contributing to further distress and social withdrawal.

Despite efforts to distract oneself, the persistent nature of auditory hallucinations can make them challenging to ignore, profoundly impacting daily functioning and overall well-being. Seeking support from mental health professionals and engaging in treatment are crucial steps for learning to manage and cope with auditory hallucinations effectively.

Additionally, individuals may benefit from addressing co-occurring issues such as anger management difficulties, ADHD, and eating disorders, as these can exacerbate the distress caused by hallucinations and hinder the effectiveness of treatment.

How to tell people “I hear voices in my head”?

Auditory hallucinations encompass a spectrum of experiences, including hearing voices in one's head telling them to do things, which can be particularly distressing and disruptive to daily life. These hallucinations may also take the form of critical, comforting, or neutral voices. While they are often associated with mental illnesses like schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, they can also occur in individuals experiencing stress, trauma or loneliness.

Is Hearing Voices Treatable? Despite the challenges they present, auditory hallucinations are treatable, and there is hope for relief. How Do I Stop Hearing Voices? With the support of mental health professionals, individuals can learn effective strategies to manage and cope with auditory hallucinations.

Can Therapy Help with Hearing Voices? Therapy, including cognitive behavioural therapy for auditory hallucinations, can provide practical tools and coping mechanisms to reduce the distress and impact of hearing voices on daily life.

Treatment for auditory hallucinations

For those grappling with the challenges of hearing voices, seeking treatment is essential for alleviating distress and improving overall well-being. Fortunately, several effective interventions are available:

Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy, also known as hearing voice therapy, can be beneficial for individuals experiencing auditory hallucinations. Therapists provide a supportive and non-judgmental space to explore the underlying causes of hallucinations, develop coping strategies, and address related emotional and psychological challenges such as low self-esteem, self-harm tendencies, and depression.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT is a structured and evidence-based therapy that focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and beliefs associated with auditory hallucinations. By learning to recognize and modify distorted thinking, individuals can reduce the distress and impact of hallucinations on their daily functioning.

Compassion-Focused Therapy: Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) emphasises the cultivation of self-compassion and understanding in the face of distressing experiences like auditory hallucinations. Through practices such as mindfulness and compassionate imagery, individuals can develop a more compassionate relationship with themselves and their experiences.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT): MBCT combines elements of mindfulness meditation with principles of cognitive therapy to help individuals develop awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences without judgement. By practising mindfulness, individuals can learn to observe auditory hallucinations with greater acceptance and reduce their reactivity to them.

Medication: In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help alleviate the symptoms of auditory hallucinations, especially if they are associated with a diagnosed mental illness such as schizophrenia. Antipsychotic medications are commonly used to reduce the frequency and intensity of hallucinations by affecting neurotransmitter activity in the brain. However, it's essential to address any co-occurring issues such as addiction or behaviour problems, as they can complicate treatment and recovery.

Self-help for auditory hallucinations

Self-help strategies can be valuable for individuals experiencing auditory hallucinations, offering tools to manage and cope with these challenging experiences:

Talking to Other People Who Hear Voices: Connecting with others who have similar experiences can provide validation, understanding, and support. Peer support groups or online communities dedicated to hearing voices can offer a sense of belonging and solidarity.

Understanding Where the Voices Have Come from and Why: Exploring the origins and triggers of auditory hallucinations can help individuals make sense of their experiences. Keeping a journal to track when and where the voices occur, as well as any associated emotions or stressors, can provide valuable insights.

Sharing Your Knowledge with Others: Educating friends, family, and healthcare professionals about auditory hallucinations and their impact can help reduce stigma and increase understanding. Open and honest communication can foster empathy and support from those around you.

Gaining Control: Learning techniques to challenge and manage auditory hallucinations can empower individuals to regain a sense of control over their thoughts and perceptions. This may include mindfulness practices, relaxation techniques, and cognitive-behavioural strategies to challenge negative beliefs associated with the voices.

Spiritual Help: For some individuals, seeking support from spiritual or religious practices can provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of meaning in the face of auditory hallucinations. Engaging in prayer, meditation, or other spiritual rituals may offer solace and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself.

Getting Help From TimeToBetter

Introducing TimeToBetter – Your Solution for a Better Life. Our platform offers comprehensive support from highly qualified counsellors, nutritionists, and life coaches, addressing emotional, nutritional, and psychological issues. With built-in tools and no extra apps needed, accessing help is simple. Our services include Online Therapy, Nutrition Coaching, and Life Coaching, all tailored to your needs. We provide a safe, non-judgmental space where language preference is respected, and our experts guarantee high-quality care.

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