Home / Our Services/ Psychosis Therapy

Sam Agnew

Sam Agnew

Psychotherapist /Life Coach
Given Sessions:over 2500hours
Working with:Individuals,Couples,&Teen
Area:LGBTQIA+,ADHD,PTSD,CPTSD, Anxiety,Dyslexia,Dyspraxia,Dyscalculia

Understanding Psychosis

Psychosis is when a person loses touch with reality, and the line between what is psychosis and what is not becomes blurred. Psychosis often prevents a person from thinking clearly and inhibits their ability to define reality from their imagination.

If you experience psychosis symptoms, your perception and interpretation of what's happening may be very different to that of those around you. Your mind may play tricks on you, causing unusual thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You may experience hallucinations; seeing, hearing or believing things that other people do not. For individuals with psychosis, the world can seem like a confusing jumble of feelings, images and sounds that are frustratingly outside of their immediate control.

With Psychosis Therapy you can :

  • Symptom Management
  • Increased Independence
  • Empowerment and Control
  • Effective Coping Strategies
  • Improved Quality of Life
  • Increased Self-Awareness
  • Enhanced Reality Testing
  • Emotional Support

Reclaim Your Mind: Healing Steps for Psychosis Recovery

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Psychosis Counseling

What is Psychosis? What is Psychosis in Mental Health?

‘Psychosis' is the term used to describe mental health problems that prevent an individual from thinking clearly and from being able to lucidly identify fact from fantasy. While psychosis meaning is not diagnosed as a disorder itself, it is typically triggered by other conditions and so is usually identified by two symptoms; hallucinations and delusions.

Symptoms of Psychosis

Hallucinations Seeing, hearing or physically feeling something that isn't there is known as a hallucination. Hallucinations may include:

Seeing things that other people don't: This could include a vision of an animal or religious figure, seeing people's faces or viewing objects as distorted or as moving in a way that they wouldn't normally.

Hearing voices: The voices could be those of loved ones or complete strangers. There may be a single voice or many, and they could be kind and sensitive or malicious and intimidating.

Experiencing sensations that other people don't: Often psychosis can stimulate tastes, smells and sensations that aren't really occurring. An example of this would be to feel someone touching your hair when there is no one there, or smelling a strong scent such as petrol when others cannot.

Delusions A delusion is a belief that is unlikely to be true and which others don't share. Delusions often fall into one of the following two categories:

Delusions of grandeur: Delusions of grandeur tend to revolve around the belief that you are incredibly important, rich and/or powerful. For example, perhaps you believe you are a member of the royal family, or that you have special powers and are on a mission. In some cases, individuals believe themselves to be God.

Paranoid delusions: Paranoid delusions can be incredibly frightening and can lead to you feeling mistrustful, threatened and suspicious. You may believe you are being followed, that someone is trying to kill you or that you are being controlled.

In addition to psychosis symptoms and delusions, psychosis can also include:

Disorganised thinking and speech: Hallucinations and delusions can make your thoughts and emotions confused and disorganised. A psychotic episode may trigger disturbed and disrupted patterns of thought, leading to rapid and constant speech, abrupt halts in train of thought and erratic digressions in the conversation topic.

Lack of insight: A person experiencing psychosis may be unable to recognise that their behaviour is in any way bizarre or out of character. For example, an individual being treated for psychosis in a psychiatric ward may comment that their fellow patients are mentally unwell while they are perfectly healthy in mind and body.

This combination of symptoms of psychosis can severely disrupt and alter thoughts, emotions, behaviour and awareness. In addition, each individual's experience of psychosis will be unique. Some may experience psychosis only once, others will go through a number of short bouts and some individuals will live with psychosis long-term.

What Causes Psychosis?

Causes of psychosis are of course not limited to the above, and there are many varying explanations as to why people experience it. Below are some additional avenues of thought regarding possible causes:

Genetics: According to experts you are more likely to experience psychosis if a blood relative has been affected in the past.

Physical injury: If you have sustained a head injury, for example, this may increase the likelihood of you experiencing symptoms. Severe lack of sleep: Severe sleep deprivation can increase the risk of hallucinations.

Extreme hunger: If you have not eaten for a long period of time, are not getting enough food overall or if you have low blood sugar, you may be at a higher risk of hearing voices.

Trauma or abuse: If you have experienced abuse or an exceptionally traumatic event, you are at a higher risk of experiencing psychosis.

The diagnosis you receive will take into account how severe your episodes are, how often they occur and whether you experience them alone or in conjunction with additional symptoms.

Treatment for Psychosis

While there is no one-size-fits-all remedy, with the right support and treatment for psychosis, it is possible to manage the symptoms and/or make a recovery. In many cases, the symptoms won't vanish entirely and you may experience them from time to time - but with the right support and advice, you can find ways of coping so that they are less distressing and disruptive.

As a precursor to the implementation of any psychosis treatment plan, your mental healthcare provider should inform you of all possible available options - taking into account your preferences, environment and possible physical causes before you make a decision together on which treatment would be most suitable.

Below are some of the treatment options for psychosis available. Please know that what works for one person may not work for another, so it is important you speak to a medical professional and/or counsellor and ask as many questions as possible to get a thorough understanding of the treatment and whether it is right for you.

Talking Therapies for Psychosis

Talking therapies help you to understand and explore how you are feeling so that you can address negative thoughts and feelings and develop coping strategies to pave the way for positive change. In the case of psychosis, a professional counsellor or psychotherapist may be able to help you challenge paranoid feelings while also helping you to address anxiety or depression that may have developed as a result of experiencing psychotic episodes.

Talking therapies that have been found particularly beneficial for psychosis treatment include:

- Counselling
- CBT for psychosis
- Psychoanalytical and psychodynamic therapies
- Arts therapies

Medication: In most instances, individuals diagnosed with a psychotic illness will be offered antipsychotic drugs that may help to control symptoms and any associated anxiety and/or depression. In cases where antipsychotic drugs aren't suitable or additional medication is needed to treat severe depression or mania, antidepressants or mood stabilisers may be prescribed.

How can I help myself? While professional help will be needed to treat psychosis, there are of course some personal steps you can take to help you manage symptoms more effectively:

- Support groups
- Lifestyle changes
- Know your triggers

By seeking appropriate help and engaging in supportive treatment, individuals can learn to manage psychosis effectively and lead fulfilling lives.

How to Help Someone with Psychosis

If you have a loved one or friend who is experiencing psychosis, you can provide support and assistance by:

Educating yourself about psychosis and its symptoms.
Being patient and understanding.
Encouraging them to seek professional help and treatment.
Offering emotional support and listening without judgment.
Helping them adhere to their treatment plan.
Assisting them in finding psychosis support groups or therapy.
Taking care of yourself and seeking support if needed.

Do I Have Psychosis?

If you're concerned that you may be experiencing psychosis, it's essential to consult with a mental health professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Common signs and symptoms of psychosis include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, and lack of insight into one's condition.

Psychosis in elderly Psychosis can occur in elderly individuals due to various factors, including underlying medical conditions, medication side effects, dementia, or other mental health disorders. It's essential for elderly individuals experiencing psychosis to receive proper evaluation and treatment tailored to their unique needs.

Living with Psychosis

Living with psychosis can be challenging, but with proper treatment, support, and coping strategies, individuals can manage their symptoms and lead fulfilling lives. It's essential to seek professional help, engage in therapy, and build a strong support network to navigate the challenges of living with psychosis.

Therapist for psychosis A therapist or mental health professional specialising in psychosis therapy can provide valuable support and treatment options for individuals experiencing psychosis. They can offer various therapies, including cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), counselling, and medication management, tailored to the individual's needs.

Psychosis in teens Psychosis: can occur in teenagers, often associated with underlying mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, PTSD or substance abuse. Early intervention, proper diagnosis, and appropriate treatment are crucial for teens experiencing psychosis to prevent long-term consequences and improve outcomes.
Temporary psychosis: can occur in response to various factors such as stress, trauma, substance use, or medical conditions. While it may resolve on its own, proper evaluation and treatment are essential to address underlying causes and prevent recurrence.
Chronic psychosis refers to persistent or recurring psychotic symptoms lasting for an extended period, often associated with conditions such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Long-term management, including medication and therapy, is necessary to manage chronic psychosis effectively.
Psychosis support groups: therapy and community resources can provide valuable assistance and encouragement to individuals experiencing psychosis. Connecting with others who understand and share similar experiences can offer validation, understanding, and practical coping strategies.

Menopause, ADHD, autism, behaviour problems, addiction, and loneliness are also important issues that can affect mental health and may require attention from qualified professionals. It's essential to address these concerns alongside psychosis and seek appropriate support and treatment for overall well-being.

Help for Psychosis

Seeking help for psychosis involves reaching out to mental health professionals, such as therapists, psychiatrists, or counsellors, for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. With proper support and intervention, individuals experiencing psychosis can manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.

At TimeToBetter, our vision is to create a world where everyone has access to professional psychological, nutritional, and life coaching support online, all in one place. We envision a better and happier life for individuals and a healthier world where seeking help for personal challenges, including psychosis, is easy and convenient. Our team of therapists, nutritionists, and life coaches are highly qualified, skilled, compassionate, and experienced professionals with years of expertise. They are registered, licensed, and accredited in the UK and EU, having conducted thousands of sessions. Our counsellors offer appointments online through built-in video, audio, phone calls, or chat, providing comprehensive support tailored to individual needs, including those experiencing psychosis.

Join us in our mission to create a world where professional support is accessible to all, making life better for everyone.

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