Married to a Narcissistic Person: How to Recognise and Cope with a Toxic Relationship?

By : TimeToBetter June,2024

Finding yourself being married to someone with narcissistic personality disorder can be demanding. Yes, it is difficult. But you can find comfort in the fact that you are not alone on this journey. We're here to assist you in dealing with the challenges of being married to a narcissist. The most important thing to keep telling yourself is that you matter in this relationship too. Both parties require equal attention, love, and care. It is not just about surviving marriage to a narcissist. It is about sharing this message with them to find balance and understanding together. You need to build a bond that will last a lifetime.

Understanding Narcissists

Narcissists truly believe they're the universe's gift to humanity. Overflowing with pride, when you are borderline married to narcissistic, you notice they often lack empathy and crave constant admiration. If that's not challenging enough, they can also be controlling, possibly abusive, and may even betray you. They do not realize that it is not all about them, and it's important that you notice these signs marriage is in trouble . And they do not even know that it is wrong. So, how will they even know that they have to change? It's a roller-coaster being married to someone with borderline narcissistic personality disorder, and it can leave you drained and lead to additional stress.

Is Your Spouse a Narcissist? Signs to Look For

Staying married to narcissist is not easy. Here are some signs you married a narcissist:

  • Spotlight Syndrome: They love being the star of every show, often sidelining your thoughts and feelings. They may also hold you responsible for anything wrong in their life or relationship.
  • Take, Take, Take: They expect the world from you, often without gratitude or any give-back. They put you down, compare you to others, and make you feel worthless or guilty.
  • Mind Games: They twist truths, leaving you second-guessing yourself. Ever been called "too emotional" or "crazy" by them? That's a red flag! They may also cut you off from your friends and family or make you more dependent on them.
  • Cold-Hearted: They may do or say things that cause you pain and then make excuses or downplay their actions. They seem indifferent to the hurt or domestic abuse they cause, rarely apologizing or admitting fault.

You might be in a codependent and narcissist marriage . As the codependent partner, you often prioritize your narcissistic partner's needs over your own. So, what is the way forward?


Realize that narcissists have an addiction disorder. They are strongly addicted to feeling significant. Like any addict they will do whatever it takes to get this feeling often. Shannon L. Alder

Navigating Being Married To Narcissist: Tips & Tricks

Being married to a narcissistic individual might make you feel less important. Here are some tips on how to cope with narcissist and marriage :

  • Professional Guidance: Seeking therapy isn't a sign of weakness. In fact, it's a step towards healing. Remember, there's no shame in saying, "Help I am married to a narcissist."
  • Set Your Boundaries: Establish what you will and should not tolerate. Consider having a discussion on how to stop gaslighting in a relationship. Choosing not to react and picking your battles wisely can be game-changers.
  • Think About Moving On: Leaving a narcissistic marriage is a thought you can keep as plan B if nothing else works out. Don't go through this trauma alone. Never bottle anything up.

Take the first step by reaching out and admitting, "Help I am married to a narcissist". You can make your decisions later. For now, you need to be heard. And we are here to just listen to you.

How TimeToBetter Can Be Your Lifeline

Yes, you love your partner. And you wish to be with them. So here's what we can do. There are ways to be happily married to a narcissist. And we can guide you through your marriage. Schedule a call with us and pour your heart out. Whatever you decide, we are with you all the way. Should you be wondering what life after a narcissistic marriage would look like, no worries.

At our therapy center, inclusivity is paramount. We welcome individuals of any relationship status, age, gender, or sexual orientation. Whether you choose couple's therapy or individual sessions, we're committed to providing swift responses to your queries. Reach out to us, and we'll respond promptly to clear any of your doubts regarding what is marriage counselling.

For professional support in improving your life, health, and happiness, our licensed experts are here to assist you. Book now and start your healing journey!

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